Tuesday 17 December 2019

Winter TBR, Favourite Christmas Books and Hunting Gods.

I love participating in weekly bookish memes, answering questions and making lists, but sometimes the answers are not enough to make a decent post... On their own!
So, on those weeks, I'll be combining rather than skipping!

Winter TBR

I'm putting a bit of a twist on this and listing books I've added to my TBR in the past 3 months and calling it a Winter TBR. In reality, I have no idea when I'll get around to reading them as I'm a moody witch of a reader these days but I'll read them at some point. 

My soul has been singing a fantasy song this past year so contemporary has taken a bit of a backseat. However, I've seen all of these around the blogs lately and I most definitely want to read each of them at some point before the end of 2020... Whether or not I do depends on whether I can get a good contemporary kick going in the coming year!

You Deserve Each Other will definitely get read though as I have an ARC of that one. 

The second part of my TBR additions is much easier to guarantee I'll read this winter, thus call a Winter TBR.

Sealed With a Curse and Dark King I both own and am looking forward to reading... Probably over the Christmas holidays.

Shatter The Earth and Druid Vices I'm impatiently awaiting the release of because I'm desperate to get my hands on them. 

The Song of Achilles I bought as an audiobook a little while ago (audible deal of the day) and I honestly don't know when I'll listen to it but seeing as I don't have too many audiobooks and like to listen to them in the car, I imagine I'll definitely get to it at some point in 2020... But let's pretend it'll be the winter!

What's the most anticipated book on your Winter TBR?

Hunt The Gods by Amy Braun

Okay, so this has been out a while but I haven't read it yet so it's my CWW pick.
Plus, the author is just wrapping up book three so I need to get caught up! 

Power always demands a price.

Two months have passed since Derek Areios—war-scion and heir of Ares—and the band of rogue scions he’s aligned with recovered both the Thunderbolt of Zeus and the Heart of the Devourer and returned them to the Gods. During the battle, Derek discovered he could control not only the element of fire, as all war scions can, but also the dark element “aether,” making him the only scion alive to wield two types of elemental magic.

Commanded by Zeus to retrieve the Trinity Weapons and the Shards of Cronus, Derek and the rogue scions are thwarted in their goal by a gang of water scions with a grudge against one of the rogues—Thea, heir of Poseidon. Both groups travel to an uninhabited island to recover one of the Shards––the Eye that belonged to Cronus, King of the Titans. But what they encounter will lead them down a path of brutal betrayals, hard truths, painful memories, and desperate actions.

With angry and impatient gods breathing down his neck, a curse that allows Ares to control him, a prophecy he’s desperate to avoid, a magic spear corrupting his thoughts, and two forms of elemental magic, Derek has a lot of baggage—and a lot of power. Will the price of using that power to satisfy the Gods be too much for him to pay?

What is revving your engine this week?

What is your favourite Christmas themed fiction or nonfiction book?

The Night Before Christmas.
I've loved it for a very long time and when I had my son I made it a tradition to read it to him every year on Christmas Eve. It doesn't matter that he's getting older, we still read it. 
Our copy has some beautiful illustrations and when we snuggle up to read it it feels like we unleash a little bit of Christmas magic. 

What about you? 


  1. I'm redoing the Winter TBR as I've read most of them already so now I need to try and work out what I might feel like reading in the next two months and like you know, that isn't easy! As for your question, I don't read themed Christmas reads as I don't read romance and cozy mysteries!

    1. Good luck with re-jigging the winter TBR!

  2. I've seen a number of those contemporary romances on other lists today. Seems like everyone's in the mood for love right now :) No wonder - they look like such fun reads!

    Happy TTT!


  3. I love your tradition of reading Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve! I really want to read The Song of Achilles - it's been on my wish list for years now. I'm also super excited about You Deserve Each Other; love the premise. Can't wait to see what you think!


    1. I'm looking forward to a lot of backlist books next year!

  4. I forgot about Awk-Weird. I want to read that one, too! It looks funny.

    My TTT.

  5. The Weird Girls series is one of my favorites so I hope you like it! I can't wait for the new Codex book either! I love that series, the spin off is pretty good too.

    1. I have everything crossed that Druid Vices doesn't give me a heart-attack! I don't think I can bare the pressure of what might happen!

  6. I love to mood read and I'm great at making TBRs and then not reading anything on them :) I've always wanted to start The Weird Girls books. Hope you love these!

    1. I'm hope it'll be awesome. I hear good things!

  7. Sealed With A Curse if the only one on your list that I've read. I hope you like them.

  8. I don't think you do audiobooks but if you do don't do it for Sick Kids in Love! lol The book was good but the audio was challenging.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. I've started to! I listen in the car. :)
      But I'll definitely avoid this one on audio. I tend to listen to the kid's audiobooks, lol.

  9. I think I have Awk-Weird on my Kindle but haven't read it yet. Avery Flynn's books look so fun. :)

    1. I'm new to Flynn's books but it sounds so much fun! Can't wait to see what you think of it.

  10. Awk-weird, 10 Blind Dates, and Sick Kids were HUGE hits for me. I hope you like them. I have an ARC of You Deserve Each Other and it looks really fun

  11. I read 10 blind dates and really enjoyed it. It's cute and I've finished it in 2 days, hopefully you'll get a chance to get around to these!

    1. Me too! So many books, so little time...

  12. Since we moved any hopes of tackling my TBR have been a mere thought in the back of my mind. I am hoping to catch up a bit when I go on leave at the end of the week for our summer holidays :) Druid Vices and a Vodka + Hunt of the Gods sound awesome!!

    I recently unpacked my books into my bookshelf and saw a whole bunch of books that I am still dying to read... Bookish life problems ha ha ha

    Chanzie @ Free To Be Me

  13. Hunt of the Gods sounds really good! Good luck with your winter tbr.

  14. I've seen good things about 10 Blind Dates. I'll have to check that one out, too. :)

    1. It'll probably be next Christmas on 10 Blind Dates for me but I don't mind. :)

  15. It's so sweet that you made it a tradition to read to your son The Night Before Christmas <33 We're the opposite, fantasy's taken a backseat in mine while contemporary totally reigned my year but like you, I plan to change that too. And I love that the first five in your contemporary list have illustrations on the covers! *yes I love illustrations and they're both cute and pretty*

    1. Illustrated covers are awesome! I'm glad they're the current thing!

  16. I contemplated doing as you did and making my Winter TBR that way, but my reading moods change on a dime and I knew for a fact that the one book on my list is the only book I 100% guarantee that I will read as soon as I get my hands on it.

    1. I'm a mood reader too... It's such a pain, lol.

  17. I love all those covers. :) Fun picks! The mythology/ elemental stuff sounds awesome too.


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