Sunday, 18 October 2020

Delivering Evil For Experts by Annette Marie (Guild Codex: Demonized #4)

*Warning! I've tried to keep this spoiler-free but it's the final book so beware!*

I promised to avenge my parents.
But their killer is still on the loose, and he's stolen more than my parents' lives. Now, as he draws closer to his mysterious goals, he's poised to destroy what little I have left.
I promised to translate an ancient grimoire.
But it holds the secrets of my family—and the secret history of demon summoning. I fear its answers as much as I need them. Who was the foremother of Demonica…and who am I?
I promised to send my demon home.
But the way he watches me, the way he protects me, the way he touches me⁠—how can I cast him away forever? I swore I would do this for him, but can I? Should I?
But I promised—and I will keep my promises even if they cost me my heart, my soul, and my life.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review*

I. Am. Speechless. 
I've tried to write my thoughts on this book for over three days and I've got nothing... Nothing can convey how much I loved this ending.
Annette Marie has delivered a fantastic finale to this series and I literally could not have asked for anything more... I feel like she gave the readers so much more than we expected, for how do you deliver a happy ever after for two characters from different worlds?
Read Delivering Evil For Experts and find out!
Seriously... I freaking cried. I cried because I was so emotional. I cried because I was so happy. I cried because it is the end of this series and I LOVE these characters and I don't want to say goodbye. 
(That's also why I didn't read the ARC for days after receiving it... I didn't want it to end!)

Robin and Zylas have come such a long way and have overcome so much... The book is a rollercoaster. I thought it would be impossible for anymore bombshell reveals to be dropped but Annette managed it.
There were some beautifully quiet and simple moments interspersed with the action. Everything that the series had been building towards came to a head, exploded, and was resolved in the best way... 
It was wonderful!

PS - This is my absolute favourite Demonized cover!!! Look at those wings! Where did they come from?! (Read the book and that question is totally answered... I'm just not spoiling, lol)



  1. That sounds like a really good series. I'm glad this last one was so good for you.

  2. Yay! I'm so excited to read this review! I knew she would handle everything well but it's reassuring all the same to see (read) that she indeed did! I can't wait to read it!

  3. Sounds like a fantastic finale! It’s such a great feeling when an author can deliver an ending that is totally worthy of the characters and the series as a whole!

  4. I want to love a book again as much as you love this one lol

    Yay for great series enders too.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  5. Excellent review! I loved this also and hope we will see them in other Guild Codex series a bit.

    Anne - Books of My Heart


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