Friday 4 May 2018

Blog Tour & Review: Rome's Chance by Joanna Wylde

Hey all! 
Thanks for stopping by to check out my stop on the blog tour for Rome's Chance by Joanna Wylde! 
A 1001 Dark Nights novella. 

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Joanna Wylde comes a new story in her Reapers MC series…

Rome McGuire knew he was in trouble the first time he saw her.

She was sweet and pretty and just about perfect in every way. She was also too young and innocent for the Reapers Motorcycle Club. He did the right thing and walked away.

The second time, he couldn’t resist tasting her.

Gorgeous and smart, fun and full of wonder, she jumped on his bike and would’ve followed him anywhere. Still, she deserved a shot at happiness somewhere bigger and better than a town like Hallies Falls. Walking away wasn’t so easy that time, but her family needed her and he had a job to do.

When she came around a third time, he’d had enough. Randi Whittaker had been given two chances to escape, and now it was time for Rome to take his.

This time, the only way Randi would be leaving Hallies Falls was on the back of Rome’s bike.

*ebook provided in exchange for an honest review* 



First person, alternating. 

Pseudo-drug abuse in secondary characters.

It's part of the Reapers MC world but can be read as a standalone.






I’m a huge fan of the Reapers MC series and I was excited to read Rome's Chance for it features a bit of a time jump from the events in the previous full-length novel, Reapers Fire.
In Rome's Chance, we get the story of Rome and Randi.
I liked the characters - actually I loved Rome and Randi - and I enjoyed their story but, despite enjoying it, everything was a bit ‘meh’. 
It was a great read for passing the time but it wasn’t a riveting read. It was just nice. Enjoyable but forgettable. 
I feel bad even saying this for the last Reapers novella, Shades Lady, was awesome and a top fav! But Rome's Chance is one of those novellas that would have been better as a full length novel for there wasn’t really enough time to get emotionally invested in the characters - thus events in the book failed to elicit the emotional impact they should have had which was a shame.

I’d recommend this book for fans of lighter MC reads who’re looking for a nice quick read or for existing fans of Joanna Wylde’s Reapers. However, if you’re new to the Reapers series, I wouldn’t start here. I'd start at the beginning or read Shade's Lady (another 1001 Dark Nights offering) to get a taste of the world.

I like it. 
It doesn't meet the description of Rome but still... Sexy biker! 

This was pure chemistry, and we’d had it from the very first. Our eyes had met across that keg and it was all over… Now Rome’s eyes found mine again, and that same spark I was feeling flared in their depths. 
“F*ck, you’re beautiful,” he said, his face softening. I blinked, every bit as mesmerized as I’d felt at the grocery store. He leaned forward, still sitting on the bike, and caught my hand, pulling me toward him. “I’m gonna kiss you.” 
“Yes, please,” I whispered, brain fully disengaged. His hand came up and caught the back of my head, then our lips met and I died a little. 
He’d kissed me twice before, years ago. Those kisses had been soft. Devastating and intense, but very gentle. Sweet. 
This was totally different. This came hard and fast, his mouth overwhelming mine with a powerful, masculine hunger I hadn’t expected. His tongue thrust against the seam of my lips, and when I didn’t immediately open, his teeth followed, nipping just enough to startle me. I gasped, and then he was inside. 
There was nothing sweet about him right now. 
Rome’s hand twisted in my hair, holding my head captive as his tongue pushed inside my mouth. Fire exploded through me, a deep well of heat settling between my legs. My hands reached up to catch his shoulders and then I was all in, giving as good as he gave me. 
His other arm came around my waist, crushing me against him. This wasn’t nearly as awkward as it should’ve been, considering he was still on the bike. Maybe we could just skip dinner. Go straight to the fun part of the date… 
A loud honking and the sound of someone screaming “Wooohooo!” from a passing car jolted me out of the moment. I pushed against his shoulders. Rome let me step back, although he kept his arm around my body. His eyes were smoky with lust, and I thought I saw the hint of a flush showing underneath the tan of his cheeks. 

Yup, the feeling was definitely mutual. 

Joanna Wylde started her writing career in journalism, working in two daily newspapers as both a reporter and editor. Her career has included many different jobs, from managing a homeless shelter to running her own freelance writing business, where she took on projects ranging from fundraising to ghostwriting for academics. During 2012 she got her first Kindle reader as a gift and discovered the indie writing revolution taking place online. Not long afterward she started cutting back her client list to work on Reaper’s Property, her breakout book. It was published in January 2013, marking the beginning of a new career writing fiction. 

Joanna lives in the mountains of northern Idaho with her family. 



  1. This doesn't like a good fit for me, but I'm glad it mostly worked for you! I know you said you liked the biker on the cover, but that it didn't look like the character. That's one of issues... I like for the covers to be relevant to the content. Especially when the cover is portraying a person!

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. I finding it annoying when the physical attributes don't align too but it's not enough to put me off. :)
      MC books aren't for everyone and I struggle with them at times but for some reason they're 'in' for me at the moment. It's weird but they're ticking my boxes, lol.


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